
vendredi 7 janvier 2011

IPCC Professor Calls For “Elite Warrior Leadership” To Rule Over Eco-Dictatorship

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Paul Joseph Watson January 7, 2011 IPCC Professor Calls For Elite Warrior Leadership To Rule Over Eco Dictatorship  070111feature

An influential professor who worked as an assessor for the United Nations IPCC has called for democracy to be replaced with an eco-dictatorship where enslaved masses are ruled over by an “elite warrior leadership” and forced to adhere to a new green religion, in yet another shocking example of how prominent global warming alarmists are revealing themselves as dangerous eco-fascists.
Professor David Shearman, MD, is Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of Adelaide, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the University’s Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences and Law School. Shearman was an Assessor for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third Assessment Report and the Fourth Assessment Report.

In his writings, Shearman, who labels humanity a “malignant eco-tumour” and an “ecological cancer,” says that “authoritarianism is the natural state of humanity” and that in order to save the planet from man-made climate change, an “elite warrior leadership” needs to be formed that will “battle for the future of the earth”.

Part of this battle involves replacing traditional religions like Christianity and Islam with a new green religion that would fit better with an authoritarian government.
“It is not impossible that from the green movement and aspects of the new age movement a religious alternative to Christianity and Islam will emerge,” writes Spearman. “And it is not too difficult to imagine what shape this new religion could take. One would require a transcendent God who could punish and reward – because humans seem to need a carrot and a stick.”

Spearman’s “transcendent God” is the God of the state, punishing the enslaved citizen for every eco-infraction under this new green totalitarianism. He openly advocates the contrived manufacturing of a new God and a new religion so that the masses of enslaved citizens under his envisaged eco-autocracy would be to coerced to comply as part of some hideous global brainwashing program. This obviously has its roots in ancient pagan beliefs of barbaric sacrifices being necessary to appease mother earth, which at one stage in history involved mothers killing their own babies for the greater good.

Even more chillingly, Shearman advocates the set up of specialized re-education centers where eco-zombies are trained to become part of a green army of enforcers.
“Chapter 9 will describe in more detail how we might begin the process of constructing such real universities to train the ecowarriors to do battle against the enemies of life. We must accomplish this education with the same dedication used to train its warriors. As in Sparta, these natural elites will be especially trained from childhood to meet the challenging problems of our times,” writes Spearman.

Spearman outlines his vision of a dictatorial global government comprised of the elite ruling over the planet on page 134 of his book, The Climate Change Challenge and the Failure of Democracy.

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“Government in the future will be based upon . . . a supreme office of the biosphere. The office will comprise specially trained philosopher/ecologists. These guardians will either rule themselves or advise an authoritarian government of policies based on their ecological training and philosophical sensitivities. These guardians will be specially trained for the task.”
“Posted on a blog somewhere, such a plan would probably elicit a visit from the anti-terrorist division of the police,” writes Haunting The Library blog. “But the fact that it comes from a professor at a major university, who works for the IPCC and was written at the behest of a serious academic institute, founded by Act of Congress, means that the author need not be afraid. But we should be.” “I could go on quoting from the book, but I’m sure you’ve already got the gist of what’s being proposed here: Global warming presents such a massive and immediate danger that democracy no longer cuts it, and an authoritarian ecological government of ‘natural elites’ will have to be found to replace it, as well as a new green religion to help provide ‘social glue for the masses’.”

As we have documented, Shearman is not alone in his brazen call for freedom to be abolished and replaced by an authoritarian green tyranny. Indeed, this is a common cause embraced by a multitude of influential climate change activists and scientists.

- Finnish environmentalist guru and global warming alarmist Pentti Linkola has publicly called for climate change deniers to be “re-educated” in eco-gulags and that the vast majority of humans be killed with the rest enslaved and controlled by a green police state, with people forcibly sterilized, cars confiscated and travel restricted to members of the elite. Linkola wants the last 100 years of human progress to be “destroyed”.

- James Lovelock, the creator of the Gaia hypothesis, told the Guardian last year that “democracy must be put on hold” to combat global warming and that “a few people with authority” should be allowed to run the planet.

- This sentiment was echoed by author and environmentalist Keith Farnish, who in a recent book called for acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to the agrarian age. Prominent NASA global warming alarmist and Al Gore ally Dr. James Hansen endorsed Farnish’s book.

- The current White House science czar John P. Holdren also advocates the most obscenely dictatorial, eco-fascist, and inhumane practices in the name of environmentalism. In his 1977 Ecoscience textbook, Holdren calls for a “planetary regime” to carry out forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, as well as drugging the water supply, in an effort to cull the human surplus.

- Another prominent figure in the climate change debate who exemplifies the violent and death-obsessed belief system of the movement is Dr. Eric R. Pianka, an American biologist based at the University of Texas in Austin. During a speech to the Texas Academy of Science in March 2006, Pianka advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the world’s population through the airborne ebola virus.

If you want to get a taste of what it would be like to live under Shearman’s eco-dictatorship, just take a look at the following video which, as we explored at length yesterday, promotes the imposition of literal hi-tech prison cities where populations have their food and travel rationed by an all-powerful state that regulates every aspect their existence and incarcerates refusniks inside squalid ghettos.
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Eco-Fascists Call For Prison Cities

Eco-Fascists Call For Prison Cities

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Eco Fascists Call For Prison Cities GreenNazi1

Paul Joseph Watson
January 6, 2011

People who resist the state controlling every aspect of their existence will be forced to live in squalid ghettos while the rest of the population will be tightly controlled in high-tech prison cities – that’s the future envisaged by eco-fascists who are exploiting the contrived global warming fraud to openly flaunt their plan for the total enslavement of mankind.

The threat posed by the kind of scenario being promoted by Forum for the Future, the group responsible for the chilling video below, cannot be emphasized enough. The dictatorial hellhole of 2040, where cars will be banned, meat rationed, farming completely abolished and overtaken by the state, behavior catalogued on “calorie cards,” and careers ordained by the government, is the ultimate goal of the control freaks who have seized the reigns of the environmental movement.

Nearly every aspect of the policies undertaken by the global dictatorship that runs the “planned-opolis” depicted in the video are lifted wholesale from historical tyrannies.

- The state completely taking over the means of food production and farming. This is a throwback to the Soviet system of collectivized farming, where Stalin organized land and labor into large-scale collective farms. Farmers who resisted the state taking over their farms were arrested and sent to Siberian gulags. As a result of the mass seizure of property and the disruption that collective farming brought to food production, upwards of 3 million people died from starvation from 1932-33 alone. A similar system imposed in Maoist China under the “Great Leap Forward” led to the Great Chinese Famine and the starvation of at least 36 million people.

- The incarceration of resistors to green fascism inside squalid ghettos and their subsequent separation from family members is a frightening throwback to the Nazi-run Warsaw Ghetto and other concentration camps and prisons within cities that housed Jews and political dissidents during World War Two.

- The restriction or even outlawing of meat, something already being vehemently pushed by eco-fascists, to the point where a hamburger becomes a rare delicacy to be enjoyed on special occasions – and only then if you can afford it. As my wife who is Chinese will attest, up until the late 80′s before China started to lift itself out of poverty, meat was a rare treat that was sparsely available and highly restricted. Again, the “planned-opolis” is nothing less than a fusion of Communist and fascist control measures inflicted upon the population to keep them poor, starving and weak.

The people who produced this video, funded by monolithic elitist banks and corporations like Royal Dutch Shell and Bank of America as well as the British government, know very well that every aspect of their “planned-opolis” is lifted directly from the most abhorrent and brutal dictatorships in history. They are openly flaunting the neo-fascist ideology behind the green movement.

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Of course, as is made clear in the video, none of these regulations or controls will apply to any of the elitists imposing them on the rest of us. Think Al Gore and his multiple oceanside mansions with heated swimming pools. They will still be able to roll around in SUV’s and fly private jets while quaffing the finest fillet steak and belching tons of CO2 as they lecture the rest of humanity about their carbon footprint. Think Prince Charles and his insistence that the proles not be allowed to take baths as he lounges in the luxuriant splendor of royal palaces.

They are also engaged in a ploy to shift the parameters of the Overton Window - which is defined as “A range of policies considered to be politically acceptable in the current climate of public opinion.” By constantly bombarding us with extreme and repugnant proposals, they gradually wear down the human psyche until people begin to accept draconian controls over their personal life as normal, necessary and reasonable.

This is part of the reason behind last year’s “splattergate” controversy, where global warming alarmists – again funded by government and big business – produced an infomercial in which children who refused to lower their carbon emissions were slaughtered in an orgy of blood and guts.

This is a psychological attack and a realization of the stepping stone method to tyranny. Whereas we might not accept cars being banned and meat being rationed now, we will accept incandescent light bulbs being outlawed and paying carbon taxes on fuel. As each hurdle is cleared, the globalists propose something more extreme so that we will always come to a compromise and accept a slighter lesser tyranny, but in the long term, the elitists achieve all of their goals with aplomb.

And to top it all off, the debate between the “liberals” over at the Guardian website in response to this story did not revolve around a castigation of this authoritarian future hell, but a question of whether old people should merely be advised by government workers how to kill themselves when they reach 65, or whether the state should just kill them directly.

This kind of despotic destiny is not only being pushed by the elite, it has an army of greenwashed zombies behind it who have been recruited to make the democide of the elderly (the useless eaters) an intellectually acceptable and reasonable idea. Presumably, the disabled and the mentally ill will also be exterminated in the pursuit of a highly efficient “planned-opolis,” another idea of which Hitler would have vehemently approved.

Once government is given the power to kill anyone they deem to be unproductive in this collectivist Orwellian nightmare, the gates of hell are thrown wide open. In comparison, meat rationing, carbon taxes, eco-surveillance, calorie credits and transport restriction will seem like a walk in the park.

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Alex Jones’ seminal film Endgame, released in 2007, warned precisely of the kind of hi-tech slave grids being implemented that are now routinely proposed by top eco-fascist organizations. We urge you to warn everyone you know about this agenda and to stand up in unison to resist the first great assault on human liberty of the 21st century, which is now certain to be inflicted on us under the guise of saving mother earth. We either stop this now, or we end up in the eco-ghettos that our masters have readied for us in their “planned-opolis” of 2040.


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