Engineer who lifted the lid on $1 billion dollar body scanner program promises ‘epic’ revelations
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, April 6, 2012
The Transportation Security Administration is set for yet another major embarrassment next week with Jon Corbett, the engineer who recently put the federal agency to shame by exposing the uselessness of its $1 billion dollar body scanner program, promising to release a new video of ‘epic’ proportions.
Corbett’s March 5th video, which has so far received almost 1.9 million views after going viral and appearing in hundreds of news stories, exposed how the TSA’s radiation firing body scanners can easily be fooled by securing an object inside an external pocket sewn on to an item of clothing.
The video shows Corbett carrying a metal case through the scanner, away from his body in his side pocket. Corbett explains that because metallic objects appear as black on the image the scanners produce, the machines do not pick up such objects if they are obscured by the background, which is also black.
The TSA’s response to the controversy was both glib and totally pathetic – the federal agency didn’t even try to deny the fact that Corbett had revealed the body scanner program to be completely useless for the purpose the TSA claims it was designed for.
However, the TSA did resort to threatening mainstream news reporters not to cover the story. The reporters cited a TSA spokeswoman called Sari Koshetz as the person attempting to intimidate them out of covering the issue. They say that Koshetz described Corbett as someone who “clearly has an agenda” that “should not be aided by the mainstream media”.
Following the interest generated by the story, Corbett attempted to obtain video footage of himself defeating the body scanners at Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport under the Freedom of Information Act, efforts that have so far been resisted.
Now Corbett has put out a teaser for a new TSA exposé set to be released early next week.
“I’ve been working on producing a new video, which will be on the same level of epicness as the last one in exposing the TSA — and especially the nude body scanner program — as the giant fraud that it is. I’m pleased to announce that my new video will be released early next week,” writes Corbett on his blog.
“No hints, but I promise you’ll like it. Unless, of course, you’re a TSA supporter, in which case… well, apologies in advance.”
The fact that the TSA is set to be embarrassed yet again is hardly a surprise, virtually every week we see a deluge of stories concerning the criminal behavior of the agency’s screeners, but the popularity and importance of Corbett’s previous revelation means we’re waiting on his next effort with baited breath.
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Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, April 6, 2012
Corbett’s March 5th video, which has so far received almost 1.9 million views after going viral and appearing in hundreds of news stories, exposed how the TSA’s radiation firing body scanners can easily be fooled by securing an object inside an external pocket sewn on to an item of clothing.
The video shows Corbett carrying a metal case through the scanner, away from his body in his side pocket. Corbett explains that because metallic objects appear as black on the image the scanners produce, the machines do not pick up such objects if they are obscured by the background, which is also black.
The TSA’s response to the controversy was both glib and totally pathetic – the federal agency didn’t even try to deny the fact that Corbett had revealed the body scanner program to be completely useless for the purpose the TSA claims it was designed for.
However, the TSA did resort to threatening mainstream news reporters not to cover the story. The reporters cited a TSA spokeswoman called Sari Koshetz as the person attempting to intimidate them out of covering the issue. They say that Koshetz described Corbett as someone who “clearly has an agenda” that “should not be aided by the mainstream media”.
Following the interest generated by the story, Corbett attempted to obtain video footage of himself defeating the body scanners at Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport under the Freedom of Information Act, efforts that have so far been resisted.
Now Corbett has put out a teaser for a new TSA exposé set to be released early next week.
“I’ve been working on producing a new video, which will be on the same level of epicness as the last one in exposing the TSA — and especially the nude body scanner program — as the giant fraud that it is. I’m pleased to announce that my new video will be released early next week,” writes Corbett on his blog.
“No hints, but I promise you’ll like it. Unless, of course, you’re a TSA supporter, in which case… well, apologies in advance.”
The fact that the TSA is set to be embarrassed yet again is hardly a surprise, virtually every week we see a deluge of stories concerning the criminal behavior of the agency’s screeners, but the popularity and importance of Corbett’s previous revelation means we’re waiting on his next effort with baited breath.
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