vendredi 11 février 2011

Reparations: Rahm Says Pay the Banksters First

Reparations: Rahm Says Pay the Banksters First
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Kurt Nimmo
February 11, 2011

Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s recently departed chief of staff, is running for mayor in Chicago. It was originally determined that Emanuel was not eligible to run because he lived in Washington for two years, but this was turned aside by the Illinois Supreme Court in late January.

According to a recent poll conducted in the Windy City, Emanuel actually has a chance of winning the February 22 election. He is widely supported by white voters. Black and Latino voters have added the margin he needs to win the election. A Tribune/WGN poll puts him at 49% and small business owner, lawyer, and government bureaucrat Gery Chico trailing with a paltry 19%.

In order to woo black voters, Emanuel said during a debate sponsored by the Chicago Defender newspaper at the DuSable Museum of African American History on Wednesday that he supports reparations, the idea that Black Americans deserve to be compensated by the government because their ancestors were slaves.

Emanuel had a caveat, however – the banksters must get the money government claims they are owed by the American people and their children and grand children. In fact, it is mathematically impossible to pay off the debt, but that’s a subject for another article.

The question was about Chicago’s budget deficit, but as a Democrat who sat with Goldman Sachs operatives in Obama’s cabinet, he was also talking about the nation’s debt. Chicago, after all, is a microcosm of the nation at large, especially with Obama at the pulpit.

“I think we have to be honest and frank with ourselves, we have a budget deficit that also needs to be addressed,” Emanuel said after telling the crowd he supports reparations.

Rival candidate and community activist Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins didn’t seem to understand Rahm Emanuel’s point — the banksters will be paid into perpetuity and there will be nothing left to hand out to the ancestors of slaves or for that matter anybody else who believes the government owes them money.

“When I hear Rahm Emanuel talking about a budget deficit when we’re talking about reparations, to me that’s offensive,” Watkins said. “This country was built on our backs, the backs of our ancestors. They bled, they died, they came in chains and they died in pain. So don’t talk to me about budget deficits right now. Not on this subject.”

Rahm Emanuel – as former Obama chief of staff, a senior advisor to Clinton, chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and chairman of the Democratic Caucus – understands how the game is played. He is experienced at paying lip-service in order to get elected by the sheeple.

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More importantly, he learned how the economic system operates while working as a banker for the investment firm of Wasserstein Perella. He also sat on the Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, as known as Freddie Mac.

During his tenure, the government-created institution was plagued by scandals involving campaign contributions and accounting irregularities. Obama rejected a request under the Freedom of Information Act to review Freddie Mac board minutes and correspondence during Emanuel’s time as director.

Emanuel is a favorred son. Earlier this week it was discovered that phone calls between Rahm and former governor Rod Blagojevich are mysteriously missing from evidence in the trial of Blagojevich. He is accused of conspiring to commit several “pay to play” schemes, including attempting to sell Obama’s vacated Senate seat.

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Emanuel knows black Americans will never see a cent under the transfer of wealth scheme known as slave reparations. Instead, like all other Americans outside of Emanuel’s political class, they will be systematically and relentlessly fleeced, driven into poverty, and made homeless on the continent their ancestors conquered, as Thomas Jefferson warned.

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